Mallorca 2017

Saturday – Ruta Catalina Homar

6 to 13 January 2017

17 km, 28,000 steps

The map – all in Catalan to test your navigational skills.

Groovy gate but humans without a key to the padlock have to take the steps.

Gerhild communing with nature.

Carefully built up path

It’s a long way down to Valldemossa.

I can see the sea!

Sunday – Banyalbufar to Port des Canonge

Breakfast in the sunshine

Lounging around in front of the fire with a little glass of something.

Monday – Sòller to Deìa

13.5 km 21,116 steps

The view from our window – shutter to shutter.

Cafe con leche in Sòller.

How did I get up here?

Donkey sized steps – who are you calling a donkey?

Some olive trees can be up to 2000 years old…

Almost there. Nice walk!

Tuesday – Palma de Mallorca

9.4 km 13,636 steps

The view from the roof of the Esbaluard museum.

Still from interesting video art

Joan Miro’s egg and Kim

Pizza restaurant with mallorcan windmill on the roof

Wednesday – Chopin and Platja des Trenc

8.4 km 13,239 steps

The terrace garden used by Chopin and George Sand in the old monastery in Valldemosa.

Frédéric in a skirt and George in a dress. Not historically accurate as she was the cross-dresser, not him, but probably easier to carry in procession around the village.

Gerhild enjoying the Platja des Trenc in the hot sun but chilly wind.

As it’s January, Kim has the beach to himself.

Thursday – Port de Pollença

9.9 km, 14,647 steps

Bit hot and sunny today in Valldemossa

Even hotter and sunnier in Port de Pollença

Today we were shadowed everywhere

The rucksack is full of pullovers and coats

Friday – Panellets “Es Petit Hotel de Valldemossa”

Home made panellets for breakfast.

(ergibt ca. 28 Stück)

500 Gramm geschälte und gehackte Mandeln
Pinienkerne (je 2-3 pro Keks)
400 Gramm Zucker
1 Eiweiss
1 kleine Süsskartoffel
1 Zitrone, nur gerieben Schale
1 Teelöffel Zimt
Öl, um das Blech einzufetten

* Süsskartoffel mit Schale säubern und in heissem Faser weich kochen, dann schälen und zerdrücken
* den gehackten Mandeln hinzufügen: Zucker, Eiweiss, zerdrückte Süsskartoffel, geriebene Zitronenschale und Zimt
* kneten bis eine kompakte Masse entsteht
* kleine Kugeln formen und 2-3 Pinienkerne darauf verteilen
* das Blech mit Öl einfetten und die Kugel darauf legen (nicht zu mache beieinander)
* den Ofen auf 180-200 Grad vorheizen, das Blech in der Mitte einschieben und circa 15 Minuten backen.